I forgot my login or my login information. What should I do?

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it by requesting a link to your email address. To reset your password, we invite you,


  1. Visit the "Login" section of our website;
  2. Click on "forgotten password."
  3. Enter the email address associated with your account maxi-fun.com
  4. Click "submit."

We will email you with a link to a page on which you can easily create a new password. Remember that we can only send this link to the email address associated with your MAXI-FUN account

If you don't see the email in your inbox, make sure it hasn't been sent in your "unwanted" or "spam" emails. If the email ends up in your "unwanted" or "spam" emails, you need to move it to your inbox to open the link. Then click on the link and enter your new password. Once your password is created, it's active immediately, so you can log in and continue shopping.